How it works with Shopify & WooCommerce
If you want to import our shipping rates and use them as the rates you charge your customers, import your products with the ‘Add to shipping profile’ option ticked.
This imports Shipping Profiles to your website shipping settings that are named ‘creativehub’ in Shopify & ‘Dropshipping [region]’ in WooCommerce.
On future product imports, here is how the ‘add to shipping profile’ option works:
- If ticked, the product is assigned to our shipping profile in your shipping settings
- If unticked, the product is assigned to your general shipping settings

Can I change the shipping profile prices once imported to my store?
Yes, you can edit the shipping profile prices as you wish. If you would like to change what you charge your customers for shipping, login and locate your shipping settings, look for the Creativehub shipping profiles and go in and edit them. This changes what you charge your customers.
Will the shipping profiles get updated if I reimport products to my store?
Once the shipping profiles have been imported to your store, we do not update them from this point onwards. This is because more often than not, customers choose their own shipping rates. If you want to reset the shipping profiles back to the default setting, simply delete them from your account and reimport a product.
(Note regarding the April 2024 shipping prices reduction – we will not automatically update your shipping profiles. If you wish for these new rates to reflected in your store you should either manually edit the shipping profiles, or delete and reimport them. Regardless of the action you take, we will still charge you the updated shipping costs during the fulfilment process.
How it works with Squarespace, Etsy & WIX
Squarespace, Etsy & WIX to not offer the ability for us to push our shipping profiles on import. So, if you use either of these websites you need to set up your own shipping rates.
Ultimately, what you wish to charge for shipping is up to you. However, we recommend that you do set your own prices. We recommend that you charge £15/ $19/ €15 for print-only and framed order delivery to UK, EU and USA, Canada and the EEA (Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein). And £39/ €45/ $49 to the other countries (ROW).
We then advise that you set your print prices in such a way that your margins average a minimum of 60-65%. This means that the profit you make = 60-65% approx of the revenue you get per print drop as a minimum.
Put another way; what we charge you for the print/ frame plus delivery is, at the very most, 35-40% of what you charge your buyer for the print/ frame plus delivery.